Business and industry

The Treasury advises the government across a range of industry policies that contribute to higher productivity and a more diverse economy.

Our analysis and advice is informed through consultation and ongoing engagement with the broadest range of stakeholders, including government, peak organisations, business, academia and the broader community.

With offices in Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne and a small pilot office in Perth our staff engage closely with business and industry to better understand the issues and challenges they face.


In the 2023–24 Budget, the government announced the small business package ‘Driving Collaboration with Small Business to Reduce the Time Spent Complying with Tax Obligations’. This package would…
Treasury released the exposure draft of Treasury Laws Amendment Bill 2024: Acquisitions. This legislation will deliver the Australian Government’s reforms to merger rules and processes announced on…
In the 2023–24 Mid‑Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook, the Australian Government announced implementing the Government’s response to the recommendations from the Statutory Review of the Payment…