Review of the operation of the National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation Act 2018

This consultation process has now been completed. Submissions available
Consultation Type
Issues Paper

Key Documents

This Issues Paper provides the context and background for the Review of the operation of the National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation Act 2018 (the Review), including the policy developments that led to the establishment of the National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation (NHFIC). Treasury invites interested parties to make submissions on the key areas of interest for the Review.

Submissions to the Issues Paper, together with other consultation conducted during the course of the Review, will be used to inform the preparation of a Final Report to Government. The Final Report will make recommendations as to whether any changes to the operation of the National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation Act 2018 (the NHFIC Act) should be considered.


27 submissions were received for this consultation.

Ability First Australia - pdf 572.65 KB
AHURI - pdf 129.17 KB
Bridge Housing - pdf 652.35 KB
Cant, David - pdf 102.58 KB
CBA - pdf 537.97 KB
Cbus - pdf 438.95 KB
Corrs Chambers Westgarth - pdf 141.97 KB
Genworth - pdf 318.55 KB
Group of CHP Chairs - pdf 1.1 MB
Havelock Housing - pdf 551.7 KB
Knight, Stephen - docx 32.39 KB
NAB - pdf 169.55 KB
Nightingale Housing - pdf 224.54 KB
NSW Government - docx 6.31 MB
P&N Bank - pdf 420.11 KB
PowerHousing - pdf 882.05 KB
UDIA - pdf 494.42 KB
Westpac - pdf 62.44 KB