Australia 2011: Opportunities, challenges and policy responses 04 March 2011 Speech Topic Business and industry Economy
The implications of global economic transformations for Australia 19 September 2011 Speech Topic Economy
Australia and China - Grasping opportunities in an uncertain world 18 October 2011 Speech Topic Banking and finance Economy
Bridging paper on 2011-12 Budget measure: 'Tax compliance - reporting taxable payments' 21 September 2011 Publication Topic Taxation
Projections of Housing Demand in Australia, 2008-2038: Housing Needs of Older Australians Narrative Report 13 December 2011 Publication Topic Consumers and community
Reporting of taxable payments for contractors in the building and construction industry This consultation process has now been completed. 14 December 2011 - 20 January 2012 Consultation Topic Banking and finance Business and industry Taxation