Treasury will publish on the IPS website or provide links from the IPS section to other information that it holds (in addition to the information published under section 8(2)), taking into account the objects of the FOI Act (section 8(4)).
Information will be published under the following headings:
Our priorities and approaches
This will include Treasury’s:
- Strategic framework document which sets out Treasury values and priorities; and
- policy advising frameworks (wellbeing framework).
- Annual Regulatory Plan.
- Reconciliation Action Plan.
- Submissions made by the Treasury to Parliamentary Committees, including Senate Estimates, and other agencies.
Note: Treasury submissions are available on Committee websites. However Treasury will provide information on submissions from 1 May 2011 and direct links from the IPS website as soon as practicable.
Our communications
This will include speeches and media releases.
Our workplace plans and policies
This will include information relating to employment conditions and staff management.
Initially Treasury will publish:
- Disability Action Plan.
- Prevention of Harassment and Bullying in the Workplace.
- Workplace Diversity Program
- Summary of Conditions of Service for Treasury Staff.
Our finances
This will include:
- information relating to pay and grading structure;
- procurement procedures, tendering and contracts;
- Treasury Legal Expenditure; and
- Treasury grants.