9: Indirect taxes

Chart 9.1 Australian indirect tax revenue, 2013-14

Note: Excludes the GST. Other indirect taxes include the passenger movement charge, broadcasting license fees, the carbon pricing mechanism and a range of other levies, penalties and charges. Source: Australian Government 2014, 2013-14 Final Budget Outcome, Australian Government, Canberra. This chart illustrates the composition of Australian Government indirect tax revenue in the year 2013-14. In that year, Australian Government indirect taxes, other than the GST, raised $46.7 billion. The greatest contributors to indirect tax revenue (other than GST) were fuel excises and customs duties at $18.3 billion, tobacco excise and customs duty at $8.5 billion, and alcohol excises and customs duties and the wine equalisation tax at $5.9 billion.

Australian indirect tax revenue, 2013-14
Item $b
Fuel excise and customs duty 18.3
Tobacco excise and customs duty 8.5
Alcohol excise, alcohol customs duty and wine equalisation tax 5.9
Luxury car tax 0.5
Agricultural levies 0.5
Other customs duty 3.0
Other indirect taxes 10.0
Indirect taxation (excl. GST) 46.7
GST 55.5
Total indirect taxation 102.2
Total taxation 351.1

Chart 9.2 Alcohol tax paid per standard drink, August 2014

Source: Treasury estimates. This chart illustrates the non-GST taxation of different types of alcohol per standard drink of alcohol. The amount of taxation per standard drink varies widely for different types of alcohol. A $13 cask of wine and draught beer with low alcohol content have the lowest rates of non-GST tax, incurring $0.05 and $0.06 per standard drink respectively. Non-traditional ciders, ready-to-drink beverages and spirits have the highest rates, with each incurring $1.01 of non-GST tax per standard drink.

Alcohol tax paid per standard drink, August 2014
Alcohol type Non-GST tax
Cask Wine ($13 value) $ 0.05
Draught beer - low alcohol $ 0.06
Draught beer - mid-strength $ 0.22
Bottle wine ($15 value) $ 0.28
Packaged beer - low alcohol $ 0.29
Draught beer - full strength $ 0.32
Cider - traditional $ 0.47
Packaged beer - full strength $ 0.45
Brandy $ 0.94
Bottle wine ($50 value) $ 0.94
Spirits $ 1.01
Ready-to-drink $ 1.01
Cider - non-traditional $ 1.01


Alcohol % Price ($) Bottle capacity (L)
Draught beer - low strength 2.7 n/a n/a
Draught beer - mid strength 3.5 n/a n/a
Draught beer - full strength 4.6 n/a n/a
Packaged beer- low strength 2.7 n/a n/a
Packaged beer - full strength 4.6 n/a n/a
Spirits 40 n/a n/a
RTD 5 n/a n/a
Brandy 37 n/a n/a
Cider (non-traditional) 5 n/a n/a
$15 bottle wine 13 15 0.75
Cask Wine 13 13 4
$50 bottle wine 13 50 0.75
Cider (traditional) 5 4.5 0.35