Part 5: Appendices (continued)


Ecologically sustainable development and environmental performance

The Treasury continues to incorporate strategies to improve its overall environmental performance. It participates in various government environmental forums and reviews information on property, building and environmental management through its membership of property and building industry groups.

The Treasury has in place environmental management Chief Executive Instructions, which detail the Treasury’s polices and commitment to improve environmental performance and promote a sustainable workplace.

During 2009-10, the Treasury completed a comprehensive review of its Environmental Management System and associated documentation, focusing on implementing strategies to meet environmental energy targets. This includes strategies to reduce electricity consumption to 7,500 MJ per person by 201112.

Energy management

The Treasury is progressing various energy saving initiatives, including ‘tuning’ building plant and equipment, to ensure the efficient operation of the Treasury Building’s lighting, heating and cooling systems.

To date, energy savings for the Treasury Building base building plant and equipment average 12 per cent, for the financial year.

Other initiatives being implemented include:

  • targeted upgrading of lighting systems and lighting controls;
  • raising staff awareness through a comprehensive communication strategy; and
  • purchasing five star energy rated electrical appliances.


The Treasury recycles paper and cardboard products, which a local recycling firm collects. Paper recycling containers are available at staff workstations, adjacent to printers, and in utility rooms. Classified waste paper is pulped and paper hand towels are recycled. Recycling waste bins and compost waste containers are provided in staff kitchens.

The Treasury is currently trialling the replacement of waste rubbish bins in office areas with central waste stations, which includes waste rubbish and recycling.

The Treasury also participates in the recycling of toner cartridges, fluorescent tubes and batteries, and helps staff to recycle old mobile phones, donating them to charity.


Tenancies in the Treasury Building are not metered separately for water consumption. The building owner has installed flow restrictors on taps and dual flush toilets throughout the Treasury’s tenancy, and the Treasury Building Management Committee is investigating other water savings initiatives.