A number of Treasury logo images in different formats and styles are available for download.
Before using these files please refer to the latest Australian Government Branding—Guidelines on the use of the Australian Government logo by Australian government departments and agencies from the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet.
Note that the Australian Government Crest must not be printed smaller than 20mm in width.
Inline regular
- The Treasury regular inline logo [EPS 3.0MB - ZIP file]
- The Treasury regular inline logo [PNG 23KB]
Inline reversed
- The Treasury reversed inline logo [EPS 3.0MB - ZIP file]
- The Treasury reversed inline logo [PNG 21KB]
Stacked regular
- The Treasury regular stacked logo [EPS 3.0MB - ZIP file]
- The Treasury regular stacked logo [JPG 72KB]
- The Treasury regular stacked logo [PNG 23KB]
Stacked reverse
- The Treasury reversed stacked logo [EPS 3.0MB - ZIP file]
- The Treasury reversed stacked logo [PNG 21KB]