Gift register 2022–23 financial year


2024–252023–24 | 2022–23 | 2021–22 | 2020–21 | 2019–20

The following gifts and/or benefits whose value exceeds the stipulated threshold of $AUD100.00 (excluding GST) were received by Treasury officials during the 2022–23 financial year.

1 July – 30 September 2022

Date received Date recorded Gift item/ benefit/service Received by Presented by Occasion Estimated value $A Circumstances of receipt of gift Was the gift retained by the recipient?
9/9/2022 15/9/2022 Gift box of assorted items APS official Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Thailand Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Small and Medium Enterprises Meetings in Thailand $100 Gift given to all attendees Yes

1 October – 31 December 2022

Date received Date recorded Gift item/ benefit/service Received by Presented by Occasion Estimated value $A Circumstances of receipt of gift Was the gift retained by the recipient?
26/10/2022 14/3/2024 Attendance at the Treasurer's Post Budget Address at National Press Club Steven Kennedy Qantas Treasurer's Post Budget Address >$100 Complimentary ticket received to attend the address Yes
14/11/2022 21/12/2022 Silver pin Luke Yeaman President Joko Widodo G20 summit $500 Gift presented during the G20 summit No
2/12/2023 7/2/2023 Book - "A small great book about Lithuania", a wooden jigsaw puzzle and a scarf Ronita Ram Senior Adviser, Tax Policy Department, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania First round of negotiations for a tax treaty with Australia $182 Received from a delegation from the Lithuanian Government after the negotiations No

1 January – 31 March 2023

Date received Date recorded Gift item/ benefit/service Received by Presented by Occasion Estimated value $A Circumstances of receipt of gift Was the gift retained by the recipient?
10/1/2023 19/1/2023 Complimentary ticket to the SMSF Association National Conference APS official SMSF Association 2023 SMSF Association National Conference $2,990 Complimentary ticket received to attend the conference. Yes
17/1/2023 7/2/2023 Complimentary ticket to the ASFA Conference Lynn Kelly Martin Fahy, Chief Executive Officer ASFA 2023 ASFA Conference $4,850 Complimentary ticket received to attend the conference. Yes

1 April – 30 June 2023

Date received Date recorded Gift item/ benefit/service Received by Presented by Occasion Estimated value $A Circumstances of receipt of gift Was the gift retained by the recipient?
26/5/2023 1/6/2023 Book - Banking on Data: Evaluating Open Banking and Data Rights in Banking Law by Dr Scott Farrell Emily Martin Dr Scott Farrell Received in the mail from the author $240 Received in the mail from the author Yes
26/5/2023 1/6/2023 Book - Banking on Data: Evaluating Open Banking and Data Rights in Banking Law by Dr Scott Farrell James Kelly Dr Scott Farrell Received in the mail from the author $240 Received in the mail from the author
16/6/2023 20/6/2023 Five Ceremonial 5 euro coins illustrating Latvian history Five APS officials Latvian Ministry of Finance Received at the conclusion of tax treaty negotiations $126.36 each Received at the conclusion of tax treaty negotiations No
19/6/2023 20/6/2023 Complimentary invitation to the 6th Annual DigiGov Conference: The Future of Government Digital Transformation APS official Project Director of IBR Conferences Complimentary ticket received to attend the conference $2,695 Complimentary ticket received to attend the conference Yes
26/6/2023 28/6/2023 Complimentary invitation to the CDR Showcase hosted by FinTech Australia APS official Head of Policy Fintech Australia Complimentary ticket received to attend the conference $180 Complimentary ticket received to attend the conference Yes