Publication type
Preliminaries and Table of Contents
10.99 KB
Economic Outlook
120.48 KB
Teenage Unemployment
44.47 KB
Statistical Appendix
72.66 KB
Economic Outlook PDF
105.46 KB
Economic Outlook RTF
159.22 KB
Teenage Unemployment PDF
37.87 KB
Teenage Unemployment RTF
31.28 KB
Statistical Appendix PDF
63.92 KB
Statistical Appendix RTF
102.4 KB
Economic Roundup Winter 1999 (full) PDF
369.75 KB
Economic Roundup Winter 1999 (full) RTF
822.92 KB
The Winter 1999 edition of the Treasury Economic Roundup includes the following articles: Economic Outlook; Factors Influencing Medium Term Employment Growth; Teenage Unemployment and Australia's Experience with the Variable Deposit Requirement.