Key Documents
The Retail Grocery Industry (Unit Pricing) Code of Conduct (the Code) is a mandatory industry code of conduct prescribed under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010. The Code requires certain grocery retailers to use unit pricing when selling particular grocery items to consumers.
Why we are consulting
The Code was introduced on 1 July 2009 and is scheduled to sunset (lapse) on 1 October 2019, unless legislative action is taken to continue its operation.
The Government will assess the effectiveness of the Code through the consultation and, if appropriate, remake the Code before its scheduled sunset date.
What is unit pricing?
Unit pricing is a comparison tool of convenience for consumers, allowing shoppers to make accurate and timely price comparisons between different brands and sizes based on weight, volume or unit.
How can I contribute?
Members of the public can complete a short consumer survey or submit a formal written submission. The survey is designed to obtain information from the general public on: when and how you use unit prices, whether it saves you time and/or money, as well as how unit prices are displayed.