FOI Disclosure Log


Treasury manages FOI matters for its Ministers, the Foreign Investment Review Board, the Australian Office of Financial Management, the Companies Auditors and Disciplinary Board, the Takeovers Panel and the Financial Reporting Council.

Any information accessed under FOI for these agencies will be available on this Disclosure Log.

Please note that documents published in response to Freedom of Information requests may include internal working papers.

The views expressed in these documents should not be considered as representing Treasury's views or advice to government. The documents contained in the Disclosure Log may not be accessible to people using some assistive technologies. Where possible, the Treasury provides an RTF version of released documents. However, as these documents are created from the PDF files, conversion errors can occur and may not accurately reflect the content within the PDF.

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Title FOI number Release date
Dividend Imputation 2292
Fracking in the Northern Territory 2342
Ministerial briefs sent to the Treasurer 2312
West Gate Tunnel 2305
US corporate tax cuts 2269
Small amount credit contract and consumer lease reforms 2283
Canberra light rail 2304
Ride sharing 2281
Letter from the Treasurer's Office to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation 2285
Pension assets test 2297