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Executive Remuneration


As a Commonwealth Entity we provide an annual update on the remuneration paid to the executives in the Department. Details for the 2017-18 reporting period are outlined in the Table(s) below.

Table A includes the average annual reportable remuneration paid to substantive Executives during the reporting period.

Table B includes details for other staff whose reportable remuneration was $200,001 or more for the financial period and were not deployed outside of Australia during the reporting period.

Table A: Average annual reportable remuneration paid to substantive executives during the reporting period
Total remuneration Executives Average Reportable Salary Average Contributed superannuation Average Allowances Average bonus paid Average Total remuneration
No. $ $ $ $ $
$0 to $200,000 31 70,990 12,398 - - 83,388
$200,001 to $225,000 5 186,157 30,243 - - 216,400
$225,001 to $250,000 23 207,173 31,922 - - 239,095
$250,001 to $275,000 13 227,449 35,598 - - 263,047
$275,001 to $300,000 12 246,612 38,050 - - 284,662
$301,001 to $325,000 7 272,231 39,779 - - 312,010
$325,001 to $350,000 1 286,860 49,619 - - 336,479
$350,001 to $375,000 1 348,362 24,115 - - 372,476
$375,001 to $400,000 1 359,581 34,337 - - 393,917
$400,001 to $425,000 2 361,902 55,048 - - 416,950
$425,001 to $450,000 0 - - - - -
$450,001 to $475,000 0 - - - - -
$475,001 to $500,000 1 411,450 66,219 - - 477,669
$875,001 to $900,000 1 767,119 109,097 - - 876,216
Total number of executives 98          

The table includes part year substantive Executives who have been promoted, transferred or ceased during the period. The table does not include inoperative Executives who were on unpaid leave. The table does not include 14 individuals who have not, or have yet to, provide consent to publish personal information.

Table B: Average annual reportable remuneration paid to highly paid staff during the reporting period
Total remuneration Highly Paid Staff Average Reportable Salary Average Contributed superannuation Average Allowances Average bonus paid Average Total
No. $ $ $ $ $
$200,001 to $225,000 4 181,863 28,257 - - 210,120
$225,001 to $250,000 1 200,769 37,386 - - 238,155
Total number of highly paid staff 5

The table includes part year highly paid staff who have been promoted, transferred or ceased during the period. The table does not include inoperative highly paid staff who were on unpaid leave. The table does not include 3 individuals who have not, or have yet to, provide consent to publish personal information.

Under the Privacy Act 1988 an individual’s remuneration information is personal information. For the purposes of disclosure, where an individual could reasonably be identified (for example, where there is only one or a small number of people in a salary range) an individual is required to provide consent for their remuneration to be published.

Information about the Secretary’s remuneration can found on the Remuneration Tribunal website.