In 2023, National Cabinet tasked the Council on Federal Financial Relations (CFFR) to review the Report on Government Services (the RoGS) and the Performance Reporting Dashboard (the Dashboard) produced by the Productivity Commission.
In December 2023, CFFR agreed to the review terms of reference.
CFFR tabled the final report in November 2024, where CFFR agreed to all recommendations.
Final report
The review team provided its final report to CFFR in November 2024.
At its meeting on 29 November 2024, CFFR agreed to the recommendations.
CFFR provided the final report to National Cabinet in December 2024.
To download the final report, see Final report – Review of the Report on Government Services and the Performance Reporting Dashboard.
Report on Government Services
The RoGS was established in 1995 to provide annual information on the equity, efficiency and effectiveness of key government services in Australia. This information helps governments improve and evaluate their service delivery and effectiveness.
The RoGS includes performance indicators on:
- childcare, education and training
- justice
- emergency management
- health
- community services
- housing and homelessness.
These areas cover approximately 70 per cent of recurrent government expenditure.
The RoGS was last reviewed in 2009.
Performance Reporting Dashboard
The Dashboard was established in 2017 and provides a high-level overview on progress towards the then-Council of Australian Governments’ key commitments.
It includes performance benchmarks and indicators from national agreements that cover:
- healthcare
- school education
- housing
- skills
- disability
- Indigenous
- infrastructure
- legal assistance.
The Dashboard was not reviewed since it was established.
The Treasury established a small team to undertake the review.
The review:
- considered the objectives, scope, use and effectiveness of the RoGS and the Dashboard
- identified opportunities to streamline and improve these performance reporting arrangements to drive productivity enhancing reform
- consulted with relevant providers and users of reporting products
- provided CFFR with a mid‑year update and a final report in November 2024.
Initial consultation
A survey to understand how people use the RoGS and the Dashboard and to identify focus areas for the review was held in March and April 2024.