Scoping Report prepared for the National Housing Supply Council
This report was prepared by the City Futures Research Centre for the National Housing Supply Council. It is not a Treasury publication.
The scoping study, Understanding housing and location choices of retiring Australians in the 'baby boom' generation, outlines the broad scope of research that has been done and could be done to better plan to meet the housing needs and wants of this cohort.
The study develops a typology of housing paths, to explore factors shaping possible housing paths. It identifies 'types' based on existing tenure, their aspirations for future housing and location, and the constraints on their housing and location choices. It does not assume households get assigned and locked into one pathway, as baby boomer households' constraints and aspirations are likely to change – in different ways, at different times – throughout retirement and into a more frail old age, and many households may well move from one path to another.
Baby boomers are typically healthier and wealthier than their predecessors, and are approaching their latter years thinking, working and engaging with their families and communities in often quite distinct ways. Through their sheer numbers, and their longevity post retirement, they will continue to shape and be part of the mainstream housing market rather than simply represent an interesting demographic cohort to include in future housing, planning and other policy considerations