This report describes the overall Treasury Portfolio program structure and provides a corporate overview of the Treasury program. The overview outlines the organisation and senior management structure of the Department and significant management initiatives undertaken over the course of the year. The main body of the report provides an assessment of performance against program objectives for each of the subprograms of the Treasury program.
The report includes Treasury’s audited financial statements and appendices providing additional statistical information and other material required by the annual report guidelines.
The report concludes with a list of acronyms and abbreviations and an index to the report and its appendices.
Other Sources of Information
Treasury issues a wide range of other publications, papers and annual reports which provide information on its activities. A detailed listing is at Appendix J to this report, beginning on page 126.
The contact officer to whom enquiries regarding this report may be directed is:
Syd Blumer
The Treasury
Telephone (02) 6263 3842
Fax (02) 6263 2992
The contact officer for enquiries in relation to information to be made available on request as per the reporting requirements is:
Peter Coan
Liaison Directorate
The Treasury
Telephone (02) 6263 3736
Fax (02) 6263 2992