Issue 3, 2011 contains two articles prepared by Treasury staff, and three recent speeches by members of Treasury's Executive Board.
The first article assesses India's long-term growth potential, canvasses some of the challenges that Indian policy makers will need to overcome to realise this potential and discusses some implications for Australia. The second article analyses the recent strong surge in international food and fuel prices and discusses the implications for Pacific Island Forum countries.
The first speech was delivered by Dr David Gruen, Executive Director (Domestic), Macroeconomic Group. The speech is entitled Compulsory superannuation and national saving, and was presented at the Economic and Social Outlook conference on 1 July. The second speech was delivered by Dr Martin Parkinson PSM, Secretary to the Treasury. The speech is entitled Sustainable wellbeing – an economic future for Australia and was presented as part of the Shann Memorial Lecture Series on 23 August. The third speech was delivered by Dr David Gruen, to the New Zealand Treasury Academic Lecture series on 9 September. The speech is entitled Wellbeing, living standards and their distribution.
A regular report summarising the outcomes of Treasury's Business Liaison Program is also included. Treasury staff held discussions with businesses and industry associations during August 2011. The report outlines the key themes that arose in these discussions.
Issue 3, 2011 also includes the eighteenth in a series of biographies of Australia's Federal Treasurers.