The Government is seeking comments from interested parties on the detail of the proposals in this paper. The comments should be forwarded to the following address:
General Manager | Telephone: 02 6263 3970 |
Corporate Governance and | Fax: 02 6263 2770 |
Accounting Policy Division The Treasury Parkes Place PARKES ACT 2600 |
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Inquiries concerning the paper can be made to:
Mike Kooymans
02 6263 3984
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As the Minister responsible for Corporations Law, it gives me great pleasure to present the 7th stage of the Government’s Corporate Law Economic Reform Program: CLERP 7 - Simplified Lodgments and Compliance. The Government is committed to ensuring regulation does not impose unnecessary paperwork or other compliance burdens, and is responsive to business needs. Businesses, especially small businesses, want to get on with the job of |
building their enterprises free from unnecessary red tape. We have demonstrated our commitment to these objectives by establishing the Small Business Deregulation Taskforce and implementing nearly all of its recommendations. The initiatives contained in this paper are a further illustration of our commitment in this respect. The reforms proposed in this paper will further cut the compliance burden by streamlining the relationship between business and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. The initiatives are a further plank in the Government’s objective of providing a modern and efficient regulatory framework in which business and consumers can operate. |
I welcome feedback on our CLERP 7 initiatives and look forward to working with interested parties to progress these reforms. Hon. Joe Hockey MP |
Table of Contents
Part 3: Company Annual Returns
Part 4: Streamlining Document Lodgment Requirements
Part 5: Business Advisory Board
Appendix A: Legislative Provisions Underpinning the Fees Regime
Appendix B: Corporations Law Fees
Appendix C: Draft Fees Schedule With Proposed Fees From 1 July 2000