Corporate Plan 2018-19



Secretary's introduction

The Corporate Plan is prepared in accordance with paragraph 35(1)(b) of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act) and can be read in conjunction with Treasury’s Portfolio Budget Statements 2018–19.

The plan sets out Treasury’s purpose, operating context and priorities for the next four years (2018–19 to 2021–22).

Our purpose

To support and implement informed decisions on policies for the good of the Australian people, consistent with achieving strong, sustainable economic growth and fiscal settings.

We achieve our purpose by providing advice, analysis and legislation to the Government that aim to support the effective management of the Australian economy by:

  • Promoting a sound macroeconomic environment.
  • Promoting effective government spending arrangements that contribute to overall fiscal outcomes and influence strong, sustainable economic growth.
  • Developing effective taxation and retirement income arrangements consistent with the Government’s reform priorities.
  • Developing well-functioning markets that encourage consumer and investor confidence.
  • Supporting effective and sustainable structural reform.

Treasury pursues its purpose through four broad objectives:

  • Promoting fiscal sustainability.
  • Increasing productivity.
  • Securing the benefits of global economic integration.
  • Efficient administration of Treasury portfolio functions.

This plan provides an overview of Treasury’s operating context, stakeholders, capability and governance arrangements, as well as the key priorities for each of our objectives in support of our purpose.

We will measure and report on our progress and success against the performance measures articulated in this plan in our 2018–19 Annual Performance Statement published in our 2018–19 Annual Report.

Philip Gaetjens

Secretary to the Treasury