Climate-related financial disclosure: Second consultation

This consultation process has now been completed. Submissions available
Consultation Type
Consultation Paper

Key Documents

This consultation builds on the previous discovery consultation that occurred between 12 December 2022 and 17 February 2023.

The Government is seeking views on proposed positions for the detailed implementation and sequencing of standardised, internationally‑aligned requirements for disclosing climate‑related financial risks and opportunities in Australia.

In particular, views are sought on whether the proposed positions relating to coverage, content, framework and liability are workable. In line with the policy principles outlined in the paper, this consultation seeks to ensure the new requirements are proportionately targeted and provide sufficient clarity as to the requirements of the regime.

Consultation to date

The diagram below outlines the current consultation in relation to other public processes to implement climate-related financial reporting requirements for companies.

Sets out how the current consultation fits into the broader policy and standards making processes for climate disclosure. The current policy consultation sits in the middle of the policy-making process, after the discovery consultation and before consultation on exposure draft legislation and introduction of legislation into parliament. For the standards, past processes include the consultation and introduction of ASIC Act amendments to parliament. Future processes include AASB consulting on and releasing standards.

Feedback from the discovery consultation has informed the proposed positions. For more information on the discovery consultation and to access submissions, visit Climate-related financial disclosure.


146 submissions were received for this consultation, including 13 confidential submissions.


14 submissions were received for this consultation, including 10 confidential submissions.