Child Protection – Annual child safety statement of compliance


Treasury is committed to promoting and maintaining a culture of child safety and wellbeing. In line with the Commonwealth Child Safe Framework (the Framework), Treasury has undertaken the child safety risk assessment for 2021−22 and determined the risk as low. The assessment determined the identification and evaluation of risks to the safety and protection of children and young people is thorough, and measures implemented to mitigate those risks are appropriate.

While Treasury’s business activities and functions rarely involve direct interaction with children, we work to ensure departmental activities are child safe. We further develop our practices and policies through a continuous development approach and education to ensure Treasury provides a safe environment in which children’s rights, needs and interests are met.

Treasury’s interaction with children includes:

  • responding to queries regarding work experience
  • a third-party contractor designed and delivered a financial literacy survey which included children aged 14 to 17
  • annual Christmas party for the children of Treasury employees, at which children have parental supervision.

Our employees understand the importance of ensuring the safety and wellbeing of the children taking part in programs or activities convened by Treasury. Education and training are important in creating a child-focused, transparent, and safe organisation. Treasury’s Working with Vulnerable People Policy outlines employees’ legal obligations to always act ethically and responsibly towards children and young people.

Treasury will continue to embed child safe initiatives into our culture and work practices. We will ensure that our employees remain aware of the requirements of the Commonwealth Child Safe Framework, including the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations. Employees undertaking a specific role in child-related programs or activities will participate in the necessary education and training.