Australia's Demographic Challenges

Review chair
The Treasury

On February 25 2004, the Treasurer released the discussion paper 'Australia’s Demographic Challenges'. It identifies improving productivity and labour force participation as key priorities in addressing ageing.

The discussion paper focuses on three complementary policy areas:

  • Improvements in the capacity for work, through better education and health;
  • Better incentives for work; and
  • Improved flexibility in the workplace

To encourage further community participation in this important matter, public consultations were held in each capital city in Australia throughout May and June 2004. Approximately 200 pieces of written correspondence were received and analysed, with more than 250 people and around 50 organisations, companies and peak bodies involved in the public consultations.

'Outcomes of the Consultations on Australia's Demographic Challenges' provides a summary of the views arising from the consultation process.

The Treasurer also released the policy paper 'A More Flexible and Adaptable Retirement Income System' on 25 February 2004.