Parliamentary progress of Tax Bills


Tax legislation update

The Parliament House website currently lists all of the Bills and Legislation that are either in the House of Representatives, before the Senate or have received Royal Assent. A search will give you a full list of all current Bills and Legislation for Treasury under Parliament. Follow the link above along with the instructions below for a full list of current Bills and Legislation.

All bills in Treasury portfolio

  1. Enter Treasury into the Keyword(s) field.
  2. Un-tick the Bills title only box.
  3. Click the search button.

Screenshot of Parliamentary search function

If you have part or full name of a bill

  1. Enter Bill title (all or part of) into the Keyword(s) field.
  2. Click the search button.

Screenshot of Parliamentary search function

If you have a keyword from a measure

  1. Enter measure into the Keyword(s) field.
  2. Un-tick the Bills title only box.
  3. Click the search button.

Screenshot of Parliamentary search function