Taxation of Native Title and Traditional Owner Benefits and Governance Working Group


The Taxation of Native Title and Traditional Owner Benefits and Governance Working Group was established by the Australian Government on 18 March 2013 to look at the tax treatment of native title and other land-related payments and how they can better benefit Indigenous communities.

The Working Group examined options for native title and traditional owner groups to strengthen governance and promote sustainability of land-related payments and other benefits, including the option of an Indigenous Community Development Corporation (ICDC), proposed by the National Native Title Council and the Minerals Council of Australia.

The Government released the Working Group’s report and announced its response on 3 August 2013.

Media releases

The Government announced the establishment of the Working Group on 18 March 2013. The Government announced the Working Group’s report and its response to the Working Group’s recommendations on 3 August 2013. The details of the Government response can be accessed on the Working Group’s Government Response page.


The Working Group recommended options to Government in its report of 1 July 2013.

Government Response

The Government has released its detailed response to the Working Group’s recommendations.

About the Taxation of Native Title and Traditional Owner Benefits and Governance Working Group

Find out more about the Working Group’s Terms of Reference and membership.