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Invitation list


The invitation list for the Tax Forum is available for dowload [PDF 191KB].

The Tax Forum brought together a broad range of views on priorities and directions for reforming our tax and transfer system. Participants included representatives of the community, business, unions and government, as well as academics and other tax experts.

A number of official observers also attended the Tax Forum, including members of the general public and students from schools and universities.


Community Representatives 41
Business Representatives and Tax Practitioners 45
Union Representatives 13
Superannuation Fund and Financial Planning Representatives 10
Academics and other Tax Experts 25
Federal Government (not all participants will attend all sessions) 19
Federal Crossbenchers 9
Federal Agencies 6
State and Territory Governments 8
Local Government 3
Australia's Future Tax System Review Panel 5
GST Distribution Review Panel 3
Community Representatives 41
Advisory Panel on the Economic Potential of Senior Australians – Chairman Everald Compton
Age Discrimination Commissioner Susan Ryan
Anglicare – Executive Director Kasy Chambers
Association of Independent Retirees – Chairman, Retirement Incomes Research Group Dr Barry Ritchie
Australian Automobile Association – Executive Director Andrew McKellar
Australian Conservation Foundation – Director, Strategic Ideas Charles Berger
Australian Council of Social Service – Chief Executive Officer Dr Cassandra Goldie
Australian Council of Social Service – Senior Policy Officer Peter Davidson
Australian Federation of Disability Organisations – National Policy Officer Leah Hobson
Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association – Executive Director Prue Power
Brotherhood of St Laurence – General Manager, Public Affairs and Development Nicola Ballenden
Carers Australia – Chief Executive Officer Ara Cresswell
Catholic Social Services Australia – Board Member Bishop Pat Power
Community Council for Australia – Chief Executive Officer David Crosbie
Community Housing Federation of Australia – Board Member Adam Farrar
Community Tax Forum – Chair Julian Disney
COTA Australia – Chief Executive Officer Ian Yates AM
Early Childhood Australia to choose 1 participant
Equality Rights Alliance Marie Coleman AO
Greenpeace Australia Pacific – Political Team Leader Jeremy Tager
Jobs Australia – Chief Executive Officer David Thompson AM
Left Right Think-Tank – Queensland Policy Manager Alexander McLaren
Mental Health Council of Australia – Chief Executive Officer Frank Quinlan
Mission Australia – General Manager, Social Advocacy and Public Affairs Eleri Morgan-Thomas
National Centre of Indigenous Excellence to choose 1 participant
National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples to choose 1 participant
National Foundation for Australian Women Helen Hodgson
National Housing Supply Council – Chair Owen Donald
National Seniors Australia to choose 1 participant
National Shelter – Chairman Adrian Pisarski
National Welfare Rights Network Maree O’Halloran
Nine Network / 2GB Ross Greenwood
Not-For-Profit Sector Reform Council – Chair Linda Lavarch
Oxfam Australia – Director, Public Policy and Outreach James Ensor
Philanthropy Australia – President Bruce Bonyhady AM
Regional Development Australia – Chair, RDA Goldfields Esperance Committee Mal Osborne
Salvation Army to choose 1 participant
Seven Network David Koch
St Vincent de Paul to choose 1 participant
Uniting Care Australia – National Director Lin Hatfield Dodds
Uniting Care Wesley Adelaide – Chief Executive Officer Simon Schrapel
Business Representatives and Tax Practitioners 45
Abacus – Australian Mutuals – Head of Public Affairs Mark Degotardi
Arnold Bloch Leibler – Senior Partner Mark Leibler AC
AusBiotech – Chief Executive Officer Dr Anna Lavelle
Australian Bankers’ Association – Chief Executive Officer Steven Münchenberg
Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Chief Executive Officer Peter Anderson
Australian Financial Markets Association – Executive Director Duncan Fairweather
Australian Industry Group – Director, Public Policy Dr Peter Burn
Australian Livestock and Rural Transporters Association – Executive Director Philip Halton
Australian Logistics Council – Chief Executive Officer Michael Kilgariff
Australian National Retailers’ Association – Chief Executive Officer Margaret Osmond
Australian Retailers Association – Executive Director Russell Zimmerman
Australian Trucking Association – Chairman David Simon
BMG – Director Darren Yates
Business Coalition for Tax Reform – Chair Tom Pockett
Business Council of Australia – Chief Executive Jennifer Westacott
Central Equity Ltd – Executive Chairman Eddie Kutner
Chelle Corporation Pty Ltd – Accountant Michelle Wilson
Committee for Economic Development of Australia – Chief Executive Officer The Hon Stephen Martin
Corporate Tax Association of Australia – Executive Director Frank Drenth
Council of Small Business of Australia – Executive Director Peter Strong
CPA Australia – Head, Business and Investment Policy Paul Dru
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu – Leader, Asia-Pacific Transfer Pricing Paul Riley
Ernst & Young – Senior Tax Partner Alf Capito
Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries – Acting Chief Executive Steve Payne
Group of 100 – President Peter Lewis
Housing Industry Association – Managing Director Shane Goodwin
Infrastructure Partnerships Australia – Chief Executive Officer Brendan Lyon
Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia – Tax Counsel Yasser El-Ansary
Institute of Public Accountants – Senior Tax Adviser Tony Greco
Insurance Council of Australia – General Manager, Economics and Taxation Alex Sanchez
KPMG Australia – National Managing Partner, Tax Rosheen Garnon
Law Council of Australia – Chair, Taxation Committee, Business Law Section Teresa Dyson
Master Builders Australia – Chief Executive Officer Wilhelm Harnisch
M H Carnegie & Co Pty Ltd – Chief Executive Officer Mark Carnegie
Minerals Council of Australia – Chair, Tax Committee Ann-Maree Wolff
Mirvac / Pacific Brands Ltd / Gloucester Coal Ltd – Chairman James MacKenzie
National Farmers’ Federation – Day 1: President /
Day 2: General Manager, Policy
Day 1: Jock Laurie /
Day 2: Charlie McElhone
O’Regan & Partners – Partner Anne Marie O’Callaghan
PricewaterhouseCoopers – National Managing Partner, Corporate Tax Tom Seymour
Property Council of Australia – Chief Executive Officer Peter Verwer
Real Estate Institute of Australia – Chief Executive Officer Amanda Lynch
Ruddicks Chartered Accountants – Partner Craig Leighton
The Tax Institute – Senior Tax Counsel Robert Jeremenko
Toll Holdings – Chairman Raymond Horsburgh AM
Tourism and Transport Forum – Chief Executive Officer John Lee
Union Representatives 13
Australian Council of Trade Unions – Secretary Jeff Lawrence
Australian Council of Trade Unions – President Ged Kearney
Australian Council of Trade Unions – Assistant Secretary Tim Lyons
Australian Council of Trade Unions – Assistant Secretary Michael Borowick
Australian Manufacturing Workers Union – National Secretary Dave Oliver
Australian Services Union – Assistant National Secretary Linda White
Australian Workers’ Union – National Secretary Paul Howes
Community and Public Sector Union – National Secretary Nadine Flood
Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union – National Secretary Michael O’Connor
National Union of Workers – National Secretary Charlie Donnelly
Transport Workers Union of Australia – National Secretary Tony Sheldon
Unions NSW – Secretary Mark Lennon
United Voice – National Secretary Louise Tarrant
Superannuation Fund and Financial Planning Representatives 10
Association of Super Funds of Australia – Director, Research and Resource Centre Ross Clare
Australian Institute of Superannuation Trustees – Chief Executive Officer Fiona Reynolds
Challenger Limited – Head of Government Relations David Cox
Financial Planning Association of Australia – Chief Executive Officer Mark Rantall
Financial Services Council – Director of Policy Martin Codina
Industry Funds Management – Chair Garry Weaven
Industry Super Network – Chief Executive Officer David Whiteley
Institute of Actuaries Australia To be advised
Mercer – Senior Partner David Knox
SMSF Professionals’ Association of Australia – Chief Executive Officer Andrea Slattery
Academics and other Tax Experts 25
Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute – Executive Director Dr Ian Winter
Australian National University – Distinguished Professor, Crawford School of Economics and Government Ross Garnaut AO
Centre for Independent Studies – Senior Fellow Robert Carling
Curtin University – Professor, Curtin Business School Dale Pinto
Deloitte Access Economics – Director Ric Simes
Flinders University – Principal Research Fellow, National Institute of Labour Studies Susan Richardson
Grattan Institute – Program Director, Productivity Growth Saul Eslake
Grattan Institute – Honorary Research Fellow Bruce Cohen
La Trobe University – Professor, School of Economics and Finance Harry Clarke
OECD Centre for Tax Policy & Administration – Senior Advisor Richard Highfield
University of Canberra – Director, National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling Alan Duncan
University of Melbourne – Professor, Department of Economics John Freebairn
University of Melbourne – Director, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research Deborah Cobb-Clark
University of Melbourne – Associate Professor, Melbourne Law School Ann O’Connell
University of Melbourne – Associate Professor, Melbourne Law School Miranda Stewart
University of New South Wales – Professor, Australian School of Taxation and Business Law Chris Evans
University of New South Wales – Professor, Australian School of Taxation and Business Law Neil Warren
University of New South Wales – Professor, Social Policy Research Centre Peter Whiteford
University of Sydney – Professor, Department of Political Economy Frank Stilwell
University of Sydney – Associate Professor, School of Economics Judy Yates
University of Sydney – Professor, Sydney Law School Graeme Cooper
University of Queensland – Professor, School of Economics Flavio Menezes
University of Queensland – Associate Professor, TC Beirne School of Law Kerrie Sadiq
University of Tasmania – Associate Professor, School of Government Richard Eccleston
University of Western Australia – Professor, Business School Paul Gerrans
Federal Government (not all participants will attend all sessions) 19
Prime Minister The Hon Julia Gillard MP
Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer The Hon Wayne Swan MP
Minister for Finance and Deregulation Senator the Hon Penny Wong
Minister for Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs The Hon Jenny Macklin MP
Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Financial Services and Superannuation The Hon Bill Shorten MP
Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills, Jobs and Workplace Relations Senator the Hon Chris Evans
Minister for Infrastructure and Transport The Hon Anthony Albanese MP
Minister for Health and Ageing The Hon Nicola Roxon MP
Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities The Hon Tony Burke MP
Minister for Regional Australia, Regional Development and Local Government The Hon Simon Crean MP
Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research Senator the Hon Kim Carr
Minister for Human Services and Minister for Social Inclusion The Hon Tanya Plibersek MP
Minister for Small Business Senator the Hon Nick Sherry
Minister for Employment Participation and Child Care The Hon Kate Ellis MP
Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer The Hon David Bradbury MP
Government representative Sharon Grierson MP
Government representative Dr Andrew Leigh MP
Government representative Julie Owens MP
Government representative Bernie Ripoll MP
Federal Crossbenchers 9
Independent Member for Lyne Robert Oakeshott MP
Independent Member for New England Tony Windsor MP
Independent Member for Denison Andrew Wilkie MP
Australian Greens Leader Senator Bob Brown
Australian Greens Deputy Leader Senator Christine Milne
Independent Senator for South Australia Senator Nick Xenophon
Independent Member for Kennedy The Hon Bob Katter MP
DLP Senator for Victoria Senator John Madigan
Nationals Member for O’Connor Tony Crook MP
Federal Agencies 6
Australian Taxation Office – Commissioner of Taxation Michael D’Ascenzo AO
Board of Taxation – Chairman Chris Jordan AO
Commonwealth Ombudsman – Taxation Allan Asher
Infrastructure Australia – Chairman Sir Rod Eddington
Inspector-General of Taxation Ali Noroozi
Productivity Commission – Chairman Gary Banks AO
State and Territory Governments 8
New South Wales Treasurer The Hon Mike Baird MP
Victorian Treasurer The Hon Kim Wells MP
Queensland Treasurer The Hon Andrew Fraser MP
Western Australian Treasurer The Hon Christian Porter MLA
South Australian Treasurer The Hon Jack Snelling MP
Tasmanian Premier and Treasurer The Hon Lara Giddings MP
Australian Capital Territory Acting Chief Minister and Treasurer The Hon Andrew Barr MLA
Northern Territory Treasurer The Hon Delia Lawrie MLA
Local Government 3
Australian Local Government Association – Day 1: President /
Day 2: Chief Executive Officer
Day 1: Genia McCaffery /
Day 2: Adrian Beresford-Wylie
Council of Mayors (SEQ) – Executive Director John Cherry
Western Australian Local Government Association – Deputy Chief Executive Officer Wayne Scheggia
Australia's Future Tax System Review Panel 5
Chair Dr Ken Henry AC
Member Dr Jeff Harmer AO
Member Professor John Piggott
Member Heather Ridout
Member Greg Smith
GST Distribution Review Panel 3
Member The Hon Nick Greiner AC
Member The Hon John Brumby
Member Bruce Carter


General Public 10
Students 10
Federal Departments and Agencies 18
State and Territory Departments 8
General Public 10
Australian Capital Territory Melinda Stinziani
New South Wales Lilian Huynh
New South Wales Patricia Muscat
Queensland Lisa Lahey
Queensland Simone Mouritz
Tasmania Philip Coogan
Victoria Grant Belchamber
Victoria Luke Buckley
Victoria Matt Cowgill
Victoria Ani Tuna
Students 10
Australian National University – Bachelor of Commerce / Bachelor of Laws student Ashoor Khan
Deakin University – Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Laws student Chris Keppel
Macquarie University – Masters of Social Research and Policy student Bess Harrison
Monash University – Masters of Professional Accounting student Damian Garthwaite
University of New South Wales – PhD student Jason Kerr
University of New South Wales – PhD student Sally Joseph
University of Queensland – Bachelor of Arts (Economics) / Bachelor of Laws student Chris Mellish
University of Queensland – PhD student Nance Frawley
University of Tasmania –  Bachelor of Economics student Michael Jayatilaka
University Senior College – Year 12 student Keelin Murphy
Federal Departments and Agencies 18
Treasury – Secretary Dr Martin Parkinson PSM
Treasury – Revenue Group Executive Director Rob Heferen
4 positions to be rotated:
Treasury – Revenue Group Chief Adviser Tom Reid
Treasury – Revenue Group Chief Adviser Paul Tilley
Treasury &nd
ash; Revenue Group General Manager, Business Tax Division
Paul McCullough
Treasury – Revenue Group General Manager, Indirect Tax Division Brenda Berkeley
Treasury – Revenue Group General Manager, International Tax and Treaties Division Mike Rawstron
Treasury – Revenue Group General Manager, Personal and Retirement Income Division Trevor Thomas
Treasury – Revenue Group General Manager, Tax Analysis Division Maryanne Mrakovcic
Treasury – Revenue Group General Manager, Tax System Division Gerry Antioch
Treasury – Board of Taxation Secretary Roger Paul
Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet – Secretary Dr Ian Watt AO
Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet – First Assistant Secretary, Economic Division David Hazlehurst
Department of Finance and Deregulation – Secretary David Tune
Department of Finance and Deregulation – Deputy Secretary, Budget Group David Martine
Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs – Secretary Finn Pratt PSM
Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs – Deputy Secretary Liza Carroll
Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs – Deputy Secretary Andrew Tongue
Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations – Secretary Lisa Paul AO PSM
Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations – Deputy Secretary John Kovacic
Australian Taxation Office – Second Commissioner David Butler
Australian Taxation Office – Second Commissioner Bruce Quigley
Australian Taxation Office – Second Commissioner Jennie Granger
State and Territory Departments 8
New South Wales Treasury – Acting Secretary Michael Lambert
Victorian Department of Treasury and Finance – Secretary Grant Hehir
Queensland Treasury – Under Treasurer and Under Secretary Gerard Bradley
Western Australian Department of Treasury and Finance – Under Treasurer Timothy Marney
South Australian Department of Treasury and Finance – Acting Under Treasurer Garry Goddard
Tasmanian Department of Treasury and Finance – Secretary Martin John Wallace
Australian Capital Territory Department of Treasury – Under Treasurer Megan Smithies
Northern Territory Treasury – Under Treasurer Jennifer Prince