RTF | ||
Australia's Low Pollution Future: The Economics of Climate Change Mitigation – Report | 2.4MB | |
Preliminaries | 188KB | |
Chapter 1: Context for reducing emissions | 98KB | 143KB |
Chapter 2: Framework for analysis | 207KB | 435KB |
Chapter 3: The reference scenario – Assumptions and projections | 976KB | |
Chapter 4: Description of policy scenarios | 169KB | 586KB |
Chapter 5: Mitigation scenarios – International results | 520KB | 1.7MB |
Chapter 6: Mitigation scenarios – Australian results | 478KB | |
Chapter 7: Key findings and future analysis | 98KB | 133KB |
Annex A: Modelling framework | 197KB | 415KB |
Annex B: Treasury climate change mitigation policy modelling assumptions | 412KB | 2.7MB |
Glossary | 60KB | 172KB |
List of Boxes, Charts and Tables | 70KB | 132KB |
Corrigenda | 54KB |