Consultant reports

  Author PDF
Analysing the Economic Potential of Forestry for Carbon Sequestration Under Alternative Carbon (revised 19 November 2008) The Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ABARE) 526KB
Projected Energy Prices in Selected World Regions ACIL Tasman 1.4MB
Modelling the Road Transport Sector Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics (BITRE) and CSIRO 456KB
Model Development and Scenario Design: MMRF Modelling to Support a Study of the Economic Impacts of Climate Change Mitigation Centre of Policy Studies (CoPS) 289KB
Risk in Australia Under Alternative Emissions Futures Graeme Pearman Consulting Pty Ltd 533KB
Costs and Carbon Benefits of Global Forestation and Reduced Deforestation in Response to a Carbon Market Jayant Sathaye and Peter Chan 367KB
Impacts of the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme on Australia's Electricity Markets (amended 11 December 2008) McLennan Magasanik Associates (MMA) 622KB
Detailed Results of the Modelling of the Impacts of Emissions Trading on the Electricity Markets* (amended 12 December 2008) McLennan Magasanik Associates (MMA) 456KB
The Short to Medium Run Economic Costs of Alternative Emission Reduction Scenarios Warwick J. McKibbin (CAMA) 562KB

*Supplementary report to 'Impacts on the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme on Australia's Electricity Markets