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Payment times reports register


Reports will be published to the Payment times reports register. The register will be free and available for public access. 

The Regulator will publish all compliant reports received from reporting entities as soon as possible.

Reporting entities have an obligation to provide compliant Payment times reports and should ensure that the information contained in free-text fields does not contain:

  • personal information such as names and contact details
  • commercial-in-confidence information about other businesses or suppliers
  • information which is irrelevant to the achievement of the objectives of the Act

Information may be considered commercial-in-confidence if:

  • the publication of this information would cause competitive detriment
  • the information is not already publicly available or discoverable
  • the information is not already required to be disclosed under other legislation

If detected, the Regulator may not publish these types of information on the Register.

Reporting entities should ensure that Payment times reports do not contain this type of information in free-text fields.