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Event Photos

  • Structural Change and the Rise of Asia conference. Jointly hosted by the International Monetary Fund, Treasury and the Reserve Bank of Australia. Hyatt Hotel, Canberra.
  • The Treasurer speaking at the Structural Change and Rise of Asia event 19th September 2012
  • The Treasurer speaking at the Structural Change and Rise of Asia event 19th September 2012
  • The Treasurer speaking at the Structural Change and Rise of Asia event 19th September 2012
  • Opening remarks by the conference facilitator, Dr David Gruen
  • Welcome by Wayne Swan, Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer
  • Welcome by Wayne Swan, Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer
  • Introductory remarks by Dr Ken Henry, Australia in the Asian Century Taskforce
  • Session one: Introductions, Ms Cheng Hoon Lim, International Monetary Fund
  • Session one: Dr Jayant Menon, Asian Development Bank
  • Session one: Ms Cheng Hoon Lim and Professor He Fan
  • Session one: Prof He Fan, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Session two: Prof Gordon Hanson, University of California San Diego
  • Session two: Prof Anne Krueger, Johns Hopkins University
  • Session two: Dr Christopher Kent, Reserve Bank of Australia
  • Session three: Prof Philip R. Lane, Centre for Economic Policy Research
  • Session three: Prof Bob Gregory, Australian National University and Victoria University
  • Session three: Q and A with Prof Peter Sheehan, Victoria University and Prof Peter Drysdale, Australian National University
  • Session four: Moderator, Dr Michael Wesley
  • Session four: Dr Martin Parkinson
  • Session four: Prof Ross Garnaut, University of Melbourne
  • Session four: Mr Masahiko Takeda, International Monetary Fund
  • Session four: Mr Masahiko Takeda, International Monetary Fund
  • Session four: Q and A with Dr Martin Parkinson
  • Lunch in the Rose Courtyard
  • Lunch in the Rose Courtyard
  • Session four: Prof Ross Garnaut, University of Melbourne