Social and affordable housing


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More social and affordable housing

The Australian Government provided $2 billion to states and territories under the Social Housing Accelerator to deliver around 4000 new and refurbished social homes across Australia

The payment was delivered to the states and territories in June 2023 so they could start investing in building new homes straight away.

This investment will:

  • create around 4,000 homes for Australians on social housing waiting lists
  • permanently increase the stock of social housing.

See Social Housing Accelerator

Improving social housing and homelessness services

The National Agreement on Social Housing and Homelessness (NASHH) is a $9.3 billion agreement with states and territories to support social housing and homelessness services.

Visit Department of Social Services’ National agreement on social housing and homelessness

Developing a national plan on housing and homelessness

To help more Australians access safe and affordable housing, the government is developing a National Housing and Homelessness Plan (plan) in collaboration with state and territory governments.

It is expected that the plan will set out a shared vision to inform future housing and homelessness policy in Australia.

Visit Department of Social Services’ National housing and homelessness plan

Establishing the Housing Australia Future Fund

On 1 November 2023 the Australian Government established the $10 billion Housing Australia Future Fund (HAFF) as a sustainable source of funding to increase the supply of social and affordable dwellings across Australia.

The majority of the $500 million minimum annual disbursement from the HAFF will be used by Housing Australia to support the delivery of 20,000 new social homes and 10,000 new affordable homes over its first 5 years, including for women and children impacted by family and domestic violence and older women at risk of homelessness.

Disbursements from the HAFF will also provide $330 million over 5 years to support a range of acute housing needs, including:

  • $200 million for the repair, maintenance and improvements of housing in remote indigenous communities
  • $100 million for crisis and transitional housing for women and children impacted by family and domestic violence and older women at risk of homelessness and
  • $30 million to support housing for veterans who are experiencing or are at risk of homelessness.

The Australian Government has also committed to deliver an additional 10,000 affordable homes under the National Housing Accord, with this commitment matched by the states and territories.

The government’s 10,000 commitment will be delivered by Housing Australia together with the HAFF.

The 2024–25 Budget provided for initial funding of up to $72 million per year by 2028–29, indexed from 2029–30, to deliver the Accord, with provision to increase this amount in future if necessary.

The 2024–25 Budget also provided an additional $1.9 billion in concessional loans for community housing providers and other charities to support delivery of new social and affordable homes under the HAFF and Accord.

Visit Housing Australia’s Future Fund Facility and National Housing Accord Facility

Financing enabling infrastructure and social housing

The National Housing Infrastructure Facility (NHIF) was originally established as a $1 billion facility that provides finance for eligible infrastructure projects that will unlock new housing supply, particularly affordable housing.

The government expanded the remit of the NHIF to allow for more flexible use of $575 million of existing funds to help unlock new social and affordable dwellings and attract more institutional capital to the sector.

The NHIF is also receiving an additional $1 billion in federal funding to support crisis and transitional accommodation for women and children experiencing domestic violence and for youth.

This funding will have a higher allocation to up‑front grants to support states and territories and community housing providers to deliver more housing for these cohorts.

Visit Housing Australia’s:
National Housing Infrastructure Facility – Critical Infrastructure
National Housing Infrastructure Facility – Social and Affordable Housing

Providing cheaper financing for community housing providers

The Affordable Housing Bond Aggregator (AHBA) provides low‑cost and longer‑term loans to registered community housing providers, supporting more social and affordable housing.

In the 2024–25 Budget, the government announced it will increase the line of credit to Housing Australia by $3 billion, and Housing Australia’s liability cap by $2.5 billion to $10 billion support ongoing delivery of the AHBA program.

Visit Affordable Housing Bond Aggregator loans