Record of meeting - Friday, 7 August 2015, Sorell



Location: Sorell, Tasmania


  • Mr Dale Elphinstone, Council Co-chair, Executive Chairman, the Elphinstone Group (Chair)
  • The Hon Tony Abbott MP, Prime Minister and Council Co-chair
  • The Hon Joe Hockey MP, the Treasurer, Commonwealth of Australia
  • The Hon Ian Macfarlane MP, the Minister for Industry, Commonwealth of Australia
  • The Hon Will Hodgman MP, the Premier of the State of Tasmania
  • The Hon Peter Gutwein MP, the Treasurer of the State of Tasmania
  • Mr Bob Calvert, Chair, Tasmanian Major Projects Approval Agency Advisory Board
  • Professor Janelle Allison, Pro-Vice Chancellor (Regional Development), University of Tasmania
  • Mr Wayne Bould, Executive Chairman and Trustee of the Bonney Group of Companies
  • Mr Chris Oldfield, Chief Executive Officer, Tasmanian Irrigation Pty Ltd

Tasmania as an Antarctic Gateway

The Council noted the economic benefit of the Antarctic sector to Tasmania's economy and the work done by the Tasmanian Government to promote the state as a gateway to Antarctica. The Council supported Governments and the Tasmanian Major Projects Approval Agency collaborating to assist the international Antarctic sector to do business in Tasmania.

Population Growth

The Council noted the Tasmanian Government's target to increase Tasmania's population to 650 000 by 2050 and the development of a strategy to achieve that target. The Council discussed measures that might assist in achieving the target and agreed that the Commonwealth and Tasmanian Governments would continue collaborating on options, including a Designated Area Migration Agreement and Safe Haven Enterprise Visas.


The Council agreed to collaborate with Infrastructure Tasmania on infrastructure priorities for the State.

Education and skills

The Council noted that Tasmania faces some education and training challenges. It discussed the need to improve education outcomes in Tasmania and ways to encourage participation in further and higher education.

Progress Reports

The Council received progress reports on:

  • Revitalising the forestry industry;
  • Allowing low THC hemp to be grown and sold as a food product;
  • The Tasmanian Horticulture Market Growth Project;
  • Opportunities in the manufacturing industry;
  • Workforce participation;
  • Key themes from the OECD Workshop on Job Creation and Local Economic Development;
  • Tasmanian Planning Reforms; and
  • The Tasmanian Major Projects Approval Agency

Next meeting

The Council agreed to meet in Canberra in December 2015.