Review of the R&D Tax Incentive


Statement from the report co-chairs: Bill Ferris, Alan Finkel and John Fraser

We welcome the release of the Review of the R&D Tax Incentive by the Australian Government.

We are pleased that it is now publicly available and there is an opportunity for submissions and consultations until 28 October, 2016.

This review was informed by more than 90 thoughtful and considered submissions and consultations with leaders of business and research.

As the review highlights, the panel found that the R&D Tax Incentive could do more to encourage additional research and research spillovers into other sectors.

The review panel has made six recommendations aimed at improving the performance of the programme and enabling its long-term continuation.

Three of these recommendations encourage research that would otherwise not take place, known as ‘additionality’. These include providing extra incentives for businesses to hire PhD graduates and to collaborate with Australia’s world class research institutions.

The other three recommendations seek to strengthen the integrity and effectiveness of the programme, including through reducing compliance costs for companies.

The R&D Tax Incentive is, and should remain, an important investment in a prosperous future for Australia. 

Further details of the R&D review, including the Review Panel’s report can be found on the R&D review website.

Bill Ferris AC, Chair of Innovation Australia
Dr Alan Finkel AO, Australia’s Chief Scientist
Mr John Fraser, Secretary to the Treasury